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Ar. Karan Kakaiya

Founder | Principal Architect at Studio Northeast, Karan believes that architecture is always an integral part of our lives; as it reflects culture and society, born from real and imagined human needs.


He always aims to emphasize and focus on regional context, use of local materials and technology and especially constructability of details.



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Having done graduation from Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology, Surat; Karan have work experience with Niren Jain Architects, Mangalore, Studio Minim, and Intrinsic Designs, Ahmedabad. In his journey through architecture academics and professional practice, he excelled in skills like Office administration, project management, problem-solving, decision-making, teamwork, and public speaking.


Karan stays always curious about understanding, conceptualizing, and implementing his ideas about climatology, , construction details, and architectural philosophies, which he learned thoroughly during his academic years. In each and every undertaking project, he ideated working on three core principles of space design: Function and efficiency of space and layout, Aesthetics and Visual balance, Constructability and performance of details.

Contact :

Lets design your dream space together.

Let's connect.

Phone : +91-7016047855

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